Golden, mirrors... just dare!

Golden, mirrors... just dare!

The decoration of our home may not be always limited to "the same tiles". We know that there are many collections and choices with the most traditional designs that can be very pleasant for the floor or the walls of several rooms, but sometimes you can innovate a little more and be more daring with other materials.

A possibility to make different our image is the use of tiles with mirror effect. One option is to place mosaic made of small pieces, which provides a more elegant and groundbreaking to any room view.

May be, it will be better not to abuse of this type of elements, because limited use can be attractive, but an abuse of this type of decoration can create the opposite feeling. You should have the opinion of a professional decoration to get balanced the use of these elements.

The use of golden or silver tiles or other similar items also provide a different aspect, which must be measured to ensure that they are not very heavy in sight. However, as happens with mirrors pieces and other similar elements use, controlled use can be very useful and offer that personal touch to the room where it is placed.

In our Ondacer catalogue, you can find several collections that have these elements to appear in one of the rooms of your home, and you can see how they look like thanks to the settings that we show in it. Do you already know what you want to place in your House? Ask us!



Publicado el 27/01/2016 Home 2608
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