You have selected the design of your home, decided what type of tile you are going to put on the walls and floors of your bathroom and in your kitchen. Everything is finally ready to finish to give shape to your home. But we need an original touch, something that complements this design and which, at the same time, breaks with the daily to offer a personal and unique image.

You can get it by using complementary pieces, that can give a totally different look at tiles design, simply marrying valances, borders or other different formats pieces that help to create personal spaces.


Complementary pieces help to "break" the design of the room and offer a new aspect to its overview.


Their use can ensure that two similar pieces, even if the installed tile is identical, are different. Just put them at different heights to create a new atmosphere. But there are hundreds of combinations that can be used to enhance final result.

Colours perfect to be combined, formats which help us to highlight a wall, others marry colours and selected shades... There are hundreds of complementary pieces that were designed to be used in all environments and make the final result shine.

The use of decorative mouldings is a good option to enhance a design, although you can use others. One of them, for example, a bordure made of natural stone or other materials such as glass can make a room stylish, either, use other ceramic pieces to change the look of the wall.

Either way, in the catalogue of Ondacer you'll find the complementary pieces to make each room different, although the same tile is used for their decoration.

Publicado el 12/04/2016 Home, News 2533
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