To keep your floor tiles bright and perfect, a simple work

To keep your floor tiles bright and perfect, a simple work

Ceramic tiles are very resistant and lasting. It can last even longer thanks to a well-done and rational maintenance. Products to be used do not have to be abrasive and we should not forget that daily cleaning is necessary to keep your floor tiles in perfect condition.

Firstly, it is necessary to think that pieces of furniture often succeed in harming your floor tiles. The best solution will be to put felt pads, which will avoid undesirable rubbings and blows.

Sandstone maintenance is easy, but it must be correctly accomplished to keep the characteristics of this material

Floor ceramic tiles, because of its very weak porosity, do not absorb the water, and can therefore get clean easily. The most habitual stains can be eliminated with water, although neutral soaps are absolutely not harmful so they can be used at will. However, it will necessary to avoid use of abrasive products which can end up tarnishing your floor tiles.

The presence of more resistant stains can lead to the necessity of higher potency products, although it will be necessary to know the kind of product that can be used without risk of damage. In case of more important stains, as wax or painting, they could be eliminated by scraping it off gently, paying attention not scratch or mark tile surface.

Following these simple advices, your ceramic floor is going to last for long time while keeping the nice aspect and integrity that it had the very first day.

Contrary to other materials, what makes sandstone appealing in not only its long lasting but also its easy maintenance, its price and its easy laying.

Publicado el 26/06/2017 Home, News 3478
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